Star Tungsten Mine

Silver, gold, and copper were first discovered in the vicinity of Harrison Pass in January 1897, but they were short lived and soon abandoned. In 1916, Russell Campbell uncovered a scheelite deposit which he named the Harrison Pass mine, but despite a renewed interest in the area there was no production. Campbell persisted, however, and eventually discovered tungsten at his Campbell mine in October 1929. By 1940, five mines were being developed, which included the Star (the former Harrison Pass mine). A small mill was built at the Star Tungsten Mine, but destroyed by fire in February 1943. It was rebuilt the following year, but closed that July and dismantled. Only minor production has occurred since, bringing the total tungsten production to 15,000 units. A number of cabins remain in varied states of decay, and have been intermittently occupied since mining concluded in the late 1970s.
