In 1908, gold was discovered on the east side of Bare Mountain, and the camp called Telluride after the tellurium found with the ore may have first formed around then. It wasn't until April 1908, however, when cinnabar was found by J.B. Kiernan and A.A. Turner that much development got off the ground. John Doser soon laid out the townsite of Telluride, though work was slow and it never got large. In 1912 the Telluride Consolidated Quicksilver Mines Company erected a 10-ton Scott mercury furnace and tramway and made small shipments through 1916. Telluride remained mostly idle until Septermber 1931, when George Wingfield purchased cinnabar claims from Emily Kieron for $25,000, but it was unproductive and Wingfield abandoned the venture the following year.