Goldfield Consolidated Mill

The Goldfield Consolidated Mill, erected by the Goldfield Consolidated Mines Company, was placed into operation on December 26, 1908. It had 100 stamps and a capacity of 600-1000 tons per day. The Goldfield Consolidated Milling and Transportation Company operated nearly two miles of standard-gauge railroad connecting the mill to the rest of the district. A fire on April 8, 1910 caused $250,000 worth of damage and brought a temporary closure to the mill, but it was back in operation on June 1. In 1916, to process sulphide ores found at the lower levels of the mines, a 50-ton flotation plant was added to the mill. It finally came to a close in January 1919, after processing over 2.8 million tons of ore; a value of over $48.5 million. Although the mill was never again operated by the Goldfield Consolidated Mines Company or at full capacity, the Bradshaw Incorporated Company leased the tailings and used part of the facility from 1927 until 1940. Overall, more than half of Goldfield's ore output to that time passed through the mill.

Goldfield District
GoldfieldCons. Mill
Slaughterhouse Cyn
