In 1912, following the revival of Aurora six years earlier, W. Lester Mangum, Jesse Knight, and three others established the Aurora Consolidated Mining Company. Construction was started on a 500-ton mill, completed in 1914. Knight, an ardent member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was displeased with the saloons and brothel that had opened at Aurora and established the new company town of Mangum in the shadow of the mill.
For the next few years and into World War I, the Aurora Consolidated Co. worked old mines and tailings, processing over 633,000 tons of ore and producing over $1.8 million. By 1918, a shortage of labor due to the war coupled with rising operation costs led to the mill's closure. It was soon dismantled, and both equipment and buildings were relocated to Goldfield and Mangum quickly became but a memory. Large foundations of the Aurora Consolidated Mill remain, but the site of Mangum has since been covered by modern day mining operations.