Seven Troughs
In 1905, Lovelock blacksmith Joe Therien discovered gold and silver ore in Seven Troughs Canyon (named for troughs built in 1894 by Frank M. Ward on the creek to water his sheep). The townsite plat was accepted by the Humboldt County Commissioners on June 27, 1907, and a post office was established July 18 of the same year. One striking distinction between towns within the Seven Troughs district as opposed to other towns in Nevada was the lack of drunkenness; saloons would be deserted during the day and used as places to catch up rather than drink during the evening.
During the winter of 1907-08, the ten-stamp Kintergarten Mill was constructed – the first mill in the district. In 1911, after testing the tailings from the Kindergarten Mill, the Seven Troughs Coalition Mining Company erected the Coalition Cyanide Plant 300 feet below the mill. The Cyanide Plant was damaged during the great flood of 1912 (see Mazuma).
In 1917, the Coalition Mine encountered a flow of water at the 1600-foot level, which flooded approximately three miles of underground workings within 400 feet of the surface. Slowly, due to cross-fissures surrounding the mines, the water level rose at the surrouding mines. After many failed attempts to drain them, the Coalition, Seven Troughs, and Mazuma Hills mines closed down, as did the Kindergarten Mill and Coalition Cyanide Plant. Before long, only 8 or 10 people remained at the once-prosperous town.